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World News Podcast - June 2nd, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC News provides team coverage from the tornado ravaged city of Springfield, Massachusetts.  Twisters are generally scourges of rural areas, but in this spring alone, three cities have been victimized by cyclones. ABC's Sharyn Alfonsi discusses the rise in urban tornadic occurrences. Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney officially announced his presidential candidacy today, and he sat down with ABC's John Berman. And move over, food pyramid! First Lady Michelle Obama has a new chart to help teach kids healthy eating habits. 

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World News Podcast - March 21st, 2011

In tonight's podcast, our Target: Libya coverage continues with an examination of the United States' desires for Libya and how they match up with those of the rebel forces inside the country.  We'll report on how President Obama is receiving criticism from both sides that he hasn't actually clarified his goals and strategy in Libya. We'll also continue our coverage from Japan where the first American casualty has been confirmed and radiation is starting to be detected in food. Back home, we'll look at which gender is benefitting more in the economic recovery and new research that is revealing the effects of birth order on everything from health to wealth.

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