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Entries in Ferguson (19)


"World News Tonight With David Muir" Podcast - March 3, 2015

Ferguson Findings: The Justice Department is expected to release their findings in an investigation into the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department. 

Famous Dad Fights Back: A famous sports dad defended his teenage daughter from cruel cyber bullies exposing vicious tweets by people who thought they could stay anonymous.

Petraeus's Plea Deal: Former CIA Director David Petraeus agreed to a plea deal for sharing some of America’s top secrets with his mistress.

Boston Bomber Exclusive: A 12 member jury has been seated for the trial of accused Boston Bomber Dzokhar Tsarvaev. ABC’s Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross has an exclusive look at the widow of one of the brothers.

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"World News Tonight With David Muir" Podcast - December 2, 2014

Midair Threat: The same kind of batteries used in our gadgets can explode when overheated.

Detroit Power Down: Aging infrastructure is blamed for a massive power outage in a major American city.

Ferguson: Michael Brown's step-father is accused of inciting riots.

Bargaining Chip?: A wife of the leader of ISIS has been captured, can she be used to free hostages?



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"World News Tonight With David Muir" Podcast - November 28, 2014

Back In The Game?: Ray Rice wins his appeal against the NFL. Could he play again?

Rampage: A gunman terrorizes downtown Austin firing hundreds of rounds at government buildings.

Cops On Camera: In wake of the Ferguson violence, there is a growing outcry for police to document their actions by wearing body camera.

Fans Unleashed: Diehard fans wait in line to get a glimpse of the upcoming "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."  


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"World News Tonight With David Muir" Podcast - November 26th, 2014

Messy Travel:  Massive storms from the midwest to the east coast is causing messy travel for Americans getting away for Thanksgiving  

Speaking Out:The family of Michael Brown reacts to Darren Wilson's one-on-one with ABC's George Stephanopoulos.

Rescue Missing: The daring raid by American special forces to save eight hostages held in a cave by Al Qaeda.

Recipe For Disaster:  Thanksgiving day is the most dangerous day for fires. The one common mistake you don't want to make in the kitchen.  

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"World News Tonight With David Muir" Podcast - November 25th, 2014

Breaking His Silence:  Officer Darren Wilson speaks out about the deadly encounter between him and Michael Brown.  

Holiday Travel:Millions of Americans will have their holiday travel impacted by a Nor'easter

Shopping Secrets: Are retailers watching you while you shop?

Jewel Heist: Dramatic moments on the streets of Paris after men steal from a Cartier store.  

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