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Entries in IRS (10)


World News Podcast - May 17th, 2013

Under fire, the outgoing Internal Revenue Commissioner, Steven Miller, told the first congressional hearing on IRS abuses that there had been outrageous mistakes and apologized on behalf of the agency.     as the jackpot could reach a record high.  And a new breakthrough in family planning that could increase the number of successful births from In Vitro Fertilization. How does it work and what can we expect for the future?   This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 16th, 2013

Communities in northern Texas are cleaning up after a severe and deadly EF-4 tornado that devastated the area.  What was it like to be in the middle of that storm? President Obama was peppered with questions about the many controversies surrounding his administration.  Find out what he had to say about fixing the problems moving and forward.  And a new clue into the motivation of the Boston bombings comes in the form of a hand written message in the boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hid. What did it say and how will it affect Tsarnaev’s trial?  This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 15th, 2013

President Obama addressed reporters about the IRS scandal, saying there will be major changes in the federal agency.  After 8 months, the White House has finally released the paper trail about the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.   What do these e-mails reveal?  And a new investigation is underway into sexual assault in the military.  What measures were used to prevent such assaults and are they effective? This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 14th, 2013

A dramatic turn in the events surrounding the IRS. Angelina Jolie’s choice to have her breasts removed is sparking a national conversation about health and how far we will go to live to see our children grow up. An international incident involving an American that sounds like it could be out of a spy thriller. A big change is looming in what’s considered drunk driving. And, ABC’s Bob Woodruff with a visit by Prince Harry to the Jersey Shore, still recovering from Sandy. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 13th, 2013

The fury is rising at the IRS, after allegations that conservative groups, and Americans who aligned themselves with the Tea Party, were targeted and hassled by the agency. A Philadelphia abortion doctor has been found guilty of three counts of first degree murder in the death of three babies born alive at his clinic. The brothers of Ariel Castro are now speaking out. It may be spring, but residents in Minnesota have watched a wall of ice creep off a lake and into their homes. And, ABC’s David Muir on Barbara Walters announcing her retirement. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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