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Entries in Debt (3)


World News Podcast - November 1st, 2011

In tonight's episode, a new study shows that red wine might not be as healthy as previously thought and could increase the risk of breast cancer in women. Markets ended down after uncertainty returned over a bailout in Europe. Conrad Murray did not take the stand in his own defense, and a verdict is expected soon. Hillary Clinton's mother is dead at 92.

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World News Podcast - October 25th, 2011

In tonight's episode, student loan debt now exceeds credit card debt. Herman Cain's campaign airs a controversial new ad. Dramatic pictures of an infant rescued from the rubble of the quake in Turkey. The Flu vaccine, delivered to a record number of people last year, may not be as effective as previously thought.

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World News Podcast - August 1st, 2011

In tonight's episode, it's all about the debt as Diane travels to Washington on the eve of the historic debt budget vote in the House of Representatives. There, she sits down with Nancy Pelosi to discuss what measures she and her part have taken to secure enough votes. Jon Karl breaks down the day's activities headed into the vote and Jake Tapper looks at the vote from the President's perspective. George Stephanopoulos sits down with treasury secretary Tim Geithner to talk about the financial ramifications of the vote. David Muir continues his reporting from Somalia, where he and his crew come under fire. Finally, a report from America's heartland, where citizens have a few choice words for those in Washington.

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