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Entries in foreclosure (2)


World News Podcast - February 14th, 2013

The 4,200 people aboard the Carnival Triumph are counting the minutes as the disabled ship crawls towards shore at one mile per hour. There are signs after six long years, the foreclosure crisis may be ending across the country. We are on brink of a close encounter with a huge asteroid pummeling through space. And, ABC’s Paula Faris with the rapidly growing mobile dating market. This and more on the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - October 13th, 2011

In tonight's episode, a California man goes on a rampage in a beauty salon killing eight, but the man's former wife anticipated danger. The "Occupy Wall Street" protesters may clash with police when they're forced to leave Zuccotti Park. A man helps one American family work with their bank in order to avoid foreclosure. A new study finds that losing weight and keeping it off is possible.


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