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Entries in hurricane irene (2)


World News Podcast - August 29th, 2011

In tonight’s podcast, we explore the destruction and overcompensation left in the wake of Hurricane Irene in the Northeast; former Vice President Dick Cheney’s new book has fighting words for former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Powell is firing back; in California, the sacrifice of one superintendent could make a huge difference for his cash-strapped school district; and while humans spent the duration of Irene’s wrath in shelter, one special bird braved the elements flying through the storm – and providing scientists with valuable data.

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World News Podcast - August 22nd 2011

In tonight’s episode, Jeffrey Kofman spoke about what the U.S. will do now that Moammar Gadhafi is missing. ABC’s Diane Sawyer spoke with Richard Haass, one the worlds middle east expert to discuss the concerns of Moammar Gadhafi.  ABC’s Sam Champion shares the latest on Hurricane Irene.  ABC’s Sharyn Alfonsi talks about a study that has to do with weight gain and marriage and lastly, ABC’s Jon Berman discovers a heroic dog that brings balance to many lives.

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