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Entries in Libya (20)


World News Podcast - March 3rd, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC News looks into the possibility of Education Reform as Bill Gates sees it. ABC's Lama Hasan reports from Tripoli where Libyan protests are still taking place, as Obama calls for Gadhafi to step down! ABC's Matt Gutman spoke with Ken Feinberg on the BP payouts and some unhappy claimants. 

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World News Podcast - March 1st, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC News takes a look at the role of women in the American workforce. ABC'S Christiane Amanpour reports from Tripoli on the violent unrest in Libya, and ABC's Barbara Pinto details the massive flooding taking place across the midwest United States. ABC's David Wright remembers pinup starlet Jane Russell.

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World News Podcast - February 28, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC's Christiane Amanpour sits down with Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi in a U.S. media exclusive interview. Brian Ross examines Bernie Madoff's first recorded interview from prison, and Charlie Sheen discusses his tumultuous life with ABC's Andrea Canning.

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World News Podcast - February 22,2011

In tonight's episode, Bob Woodruff reports on the devastation a 6.3 magnitude earthquake inflicted on Christchurch, New Zealand. While violence against anti-government protesters continues in Libya, ABC's Martha Raddatz examines the embattled country's eccentric and ruthless dictator, Moammar Gadhafi.

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World News Podcast - February 21, 2011

In tonight's episode, George Stephanopoulos examines Moammar Gadhafi's tenuous control of Libya, as violence against anti-government protesters continues. Meanwhile, swarms of citizens outside Wisconsin's capitol continue to protest the republican plan to balance the state budget. 

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