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Entries in Libya (20)


World News Podcast - March 22, 2011

In tonight's podcast, Target: Libya includes and exclusive interview with Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Diane asks her about the challenges with dealing with a rogue leader like Moammar Ghadafi and the US's ultimate goal in Libya. There are also reports on the downed fighter plane that crashed earlier today and the miraculous survival and rescue that followed. In the US, we focus on the potential for contaminated cargo to reach the US from Japan and the rising number of complaints against bill collectors. In lighter news, we take a look at the fairytale carriage that will take William and Kate away after their wedding.

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World News Podcast - March 21st, 2011

In tonight's podcast, our Target: Libya coverage continues with an examination of the United States' desires for Libya and how they match up with those of the rebel forces inside the country.  We'll report on how President Obama is receiving criticism from both sides that he hasn't actually clarified his goals and strategy in Libya. We'll also continue our coverage from Japan where the first American casualty has been confirmed and radiation is starting to be detected in food. Back home, we'll look at which gender is benefitting more in the economic recovery and new research that is revealing the effects of birth order on everything from health to wealth.

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World News Podcast - March 18th, 2011

In tonight's episode, Target: Libya focuses on President Obama who threw down the gauntlet to Gadhafi in Libya, telling him to stand down or the US and it's allies will move in. A first time look at those workers trapped inside the nuclear reactors when the earthquake and tsunmai hit. Prince William shares his advice on getting through these tough times and a look at an everyday hero who is helping to turn around a failing Cincinnati school.

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World News Podcast - March 10th, 2011

In tonight's episode, an new study finds nearly 5% of Americans are cancer survivors, congressional hearings on terrorism faced controversy over its focus on Islamic Americans, torrential rain and flooding are putting much of the Northeast under water, a top White House adviser gaffes on the biggest threats to the US, Nick Schifrin reports from the front lines in Libya, and a set of 100 year old twins give their insight into living a long life.

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World News Podcast - March 7th, 2011

In tonight's episode ABC News takes a look at rising gas prices. How much does America depend on foreign energy supplies?  ABC's Lama Hasan travels with a group of Libyan rebels as they head toward Tripoli, and ABC's Jake Tapper sits down with actor Ben Affleck and Sen. John McCain's wife, Cindy, as they join forces for a special cause.

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