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Entries in Little League World Series (2)


World News Podcast - August 20th, 2014

A heartbreaking message from the family of American journalist James Foley, who was savagely executed by the Islamic Militant Group ISIS. Brave rescues in the raging floodwaters of Arizona as people became trapped in their homes and cars. Attorney General Eric Holder is in Ferguson, Missouri, to oversee the federal investigation into the police shooting of Michael Brown, as local prosecutors are now presenting evidence to a grand jury in St. Louis County. A high speed police chase ended with a fierce crash, just inches from customers sitting outside a café. And, ABC’s Gio Benitez with the dominating young girl who has become a little league sensation. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - August 14th, 2014

State police are taking over control of the streets in Ferguson, Missouri after the police shooting of an unarmed teenager sparked protests. The wife of actor Robin Williams released a statement that revealed Williams had received a Parkinson’s diagnosis and wasn’t ready to reveal it to the world. The cleanup begins for the parts of the country that were hit by the massive storm. The hunt is on for two young Amish girls who were reportedly abducted from their front yard. The Little League world series is underway. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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