The latest news from around the world, delivered each weeknight, brought to you by the ABC News team.

Entries in National Spelling Bee (2)


World News Podcast - May 30th, 2014

Veteran Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned today after a controversy where American Veterans did not get the care they needed. Parts of the country seeing some severe weather, including tornados and powerful thunderstorms. A new arrest is made in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings. ABC’s Steve Osunsami has some ways to keep your backyard pool safe for the kids this summer. A massive sinkhole opens up in a parking lot in Florida. The Spelling Bee Championship turns out not one but two champions. This and more on the World News podcast. 


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World News Podcast - March 16th, 2012

In tonight's podcast, ABC News has learned the identity of the U.S. soldier who allegedly shot 16 Afghan civilians.  But first, ABC's Ginger Zee speaks with some of the survivors of a rare tornado that struck in the Detroit suburbs.  Then the verdict is in for the Rutgers webcam trial that has captivated the nation for months.  Hear from one of the jurors.  Next, find out why George Clooney was put in cuffs.  Then find out whether or not you can taste the difference between meat with and without Pink Slime.  Also, ABC's Ryan Owens explains why you should inspect a carnival ride before your child rides it.  Finally, meet the youngest contestant ever in the National Spelling Bee.

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