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Entries in Navy (3)


World News Podcast - July 4th, 2014

Hurricane Arthur is heading out to sea, after making landfall along the North Carolina coast. The storm is drenching parts of New England as it heads out into the Atlantic, creating flooding problems for those on Cape Cod for the Fourth of July holiday weekend. New busloads of undocumented immigrants are scheduled to arrive in Murrieta, Calif., where protestors forced Homeland Security buses to retreat earlier this week. And, ABC’s Martha Raddatz with the highest ranking woman in the Navy who wouldn’t let anyone hold her back. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - April 6th, 2012

In tonight's episode, residents in Virginia Beach, Virginia are in shock after a US Navy F/A-18 jet fighter crashed into an apartment complex.  On the campaign trail, both President Obama and Mitt Romney are using the new jobs report to court women voters.  In Kansas, one of the winners of the record Mega Millions jackpot has claimed their share.  ABC's Pierre Thomas reports on rogue pharmacies that are aiding thieves stealing prescription painkillers.  Of the coast of Alaska, a Japanese "ghost ship" finally finds a home at the bottom of the sea.  ABC's Steven Osunsami explains why Easter egg hunts are being canceled across the country.  And meet the hero pilots who guided a grandma as she landed her husband's airplane after he died of a heart attack.

In tonight's episode, residents in Virginia Beach are in shock after a US Navy F/A-18 fight jet crashed into an apartment complex.  On the campaign trail, both President Obama and Mitt Romney are using the new jobs report to court women voters.  In Kansas, one of the winners of the record Mega Millions jackpot has claimed their share.  ABC's Pierre Thomas reports on rogue pharmacies that are aiding thieves stealing prescription painkillers.  Of the coast of Alaska, a Japanese "ghost ship" finally found a home at the bottom of the sea.  ABC's Steven Osunsami explains why Easter egg hunts are being canceled across the country.  And meet the hero pilots who guided a grandma as she landed her husband's airplane after he died of a heart attack.

In tonight's episode, residents in Virginia Beach are in shock after a US Navy F/A-18 fight jet crashed into an apartment complex.  On the campaign trail, both President Obama and Mitt Romney are using the new jobs report to court women voters.  In Kansas, one of the winners of the record Mega Millions jackpot has claimed their share.  ABC's Pierre Thomas reports on rogue pharmacies that are aiding thieves stealing prescription painkillers.  Of the coast of Alaska, a Japanese "ghost ship" finally found a home at the bottom of the sea.  ABC's Steven Osunsami explains why Easter egg hunts are being canceled across the country.  And meet the hero pilots who guided a grandma as she landed her husband's airplane after he died of a heart attack.

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World News Podcast - January 5th, 2012

In tonight's episode, those who protect our communities are asking for a change to help protect their lives.  Next, President Obama presents a new path for America's military.  After that, ABC's Dr. Richard Besser reveals a breakthrough in the treatment of a horrible disease.  Also, what's with the wacky weather these days?  Finally, dogs know more about their owners than we think.

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