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Entries in Stop and Frisk (2)


World News Podcast - October 14th, 2013

Talks continue in Congress over the government shutdown and the looming debt ceiling. What could a failure of raising the debt ceiling do to the global markets? A new tape out of Philadelphia is reigniting the debate over “stop and frisk” in the city’s police department. There are calls for a high-ranking official in the Catholic Church to step down over excessive spending. And, ABC’s Matt Gutman on the frightening scene in Florida when a woman got stuck on an open drawbridge. This and more on the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - August 12th, 2013

A crime fighting program in New York City praised for its effectiveness at reducing crime was found unconstitutional by a federal judge. New details about the rescue of a California teen from the Idaho wilderness. A terrifying night for guests at a Florida resort, when a sinkhole began to swallow their building. A new test to help detect memory loss. And, ABC’s Bob Woodruff with the story of a reunion nine years in the making for a family separated in Darfur. This and more on the World News Podcast.

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