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Entries in Terror Raid (2)


World News Podcast - October 7th, 2013

In this episode of the World News Podcast, we’re finding out more about those two daring raids in Africa that resulted in the capture of an Al Qaeda operative. The government shutdown enters into the seventh day of shutdown, is there any progress being made? A third arrest in the violent biker SUV brawl, ABC’s Dan Harris sits down with the biker that triggered the violent series of events. And ABC’s Diane Sawyer interviews Malala Yousafzai, what she wants the world to know about the importance of bravery. All this and more on the World News podcast..

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World News Podcast - October 6th, 2013

Successful terror raids have been conducted in Somalia and Libya resulting in the capture of a wanted Al-Qaeda operative. Wild weather across the country, from tornadoes to blizzards, some Americans are in for a long clean up. A nine-year old boy sneaks onto a Las Vegas bound flight without showing a ticket. New Developments in the NYC Biker Chase, what a good Samaritan said he saw the day of the beating. This and more on the World News podcast.

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