The latest news from around the world, delivered each weeknight, brought to you by the ABC News team.

Entries in Terrorism (34)


World News Podcast - April 15th, 2013

Terror at the Boston Marathon.  Two explosions take the lives of three people and injure a hundred more in Copley Square.  The team is on the ground in Boston covering the horrific tragedy that marred a usually joyful day. This and more on the World News Podcast



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World News Podcast - March 8th, 2013

A turning point in the job market? The February unemployment numbers were the lowest in four years. The son-in-law of Osama Bin Laden has been captured and brought before a court in Manhattan. And as the Cardinals prepare to vote on the next pope, many Catholics question the role of women in the church. This and more on the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - January 21st, 2013

President Obama’s second inauguration drew hundreds of thousands to the National Mall. The president’s inaugural speech has many asking what is to come in his second term in office. Besides the speeches, another focus on inauguration day was on what Michelle Obama was wearing. There are new details on the terror attack in Algeria. And Diane Sawyer with a group of third graders from Georgia who made the trip to the nation’s capital with the help of their teachers. This and more in the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - November 30th, 2012

In tonight's podcast, two brothers are under arrest in Florida accused of plotting terror against the United States.  Hurricane season is finally over and it was the third worst in recorded history.  Could next season be worse?  And the hunt is on for the winner of that record Powerball Jackpot in Arizona.  Traveling for the holidays?  Get some tips on how to avoid being the target of revenge for parking and hotel employees.  This and more in the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - October 17th, 2012

In tonight's episode, a dramatic FBI sting foils a plot to blow up the New York Federal Reserve.  Then find out what the candidates are saying on the trail after last night's fiery presidential debate.  Overseas, a video has surfaced showing contractors in Afghanistan partying with drugs and alcohol while on the job.  And what are the real costs of wearing high heel shoes?  This and more in the World News Podcast.

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