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Entries in Terrorism (34)


World News Podcast - July 5th, 2012

In tonight's episode, news details in the 2009 Air France crash and how the pilot could have saved the plane. The high heat across the country is causing a new problem: droughts. And, security is heightened ahead of the 2012 Olympic games in London.  

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World News Podcast- April 30th, 2012

In tonight's episode, Brian Ross investigates a new terrorism threat that has transportation officials on their toes.  Jim Avila looks into some dangerous chemicals that could be hiding in your cosmetic products and Bob Woodruff reports from the Freedom Tower, New York's new tallest feature on the skyline.

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World News Podcast - July 26th, 2011

In tonight's episode, Americans are angry with their representatives and have taken to the phones to have their voices heard. Then, a political team is assembled to breakdown the ongoing debt crisis. A new terror alert has been issued for Americans heading overseas. The Chinese attempt to downplay a massive train accident, shining a light on the dangerous side of rapid construction booms. Finally, a simple test that can alert women to their genetic predisposition to breast cancer and scientist tell you how to maximize your vacation pleasure.

World News Podcast - July 6th, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC News breaks down the stunning verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. Defense lawyer Jose Baez spoke exclusively with ABC's Barbara Walters. Some of the jurors spoke exclusively to ABC News as well.  Is Al Qaeda plotting to send suicide attackers onto planes with bombs surgically placed inside their stomachs? ABC's Brian Ross finds out. The President took part in his first "Tweet-Up," where he fielded questions of 140 characters or less in front of a live audience. And Atlanta area teachers are accused of cheating--changing the grades of their students on standardized tests.

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World News Podcast - June 30th, 2011

In tonight's episode, Lisa Stark has the latest on the man who was able to board a flight using a fake I.D. and boarding pass. How did it happen? Then, we take a look at the contentious feelings flying back and forth between the White House and Congress over the national debt limit. Bill Clinton shares some advice for job creation, we get some advice for weak hearts and take a look at what a little investment does for small towns in America.

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