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Perspective Podcast - February 4th, 2011

***Special Edition of Perspective "Crisis in Egypt"

Egypt Tick Tock.
What began in Cairo as a popular uprising on January 25th persists.  Pro-democracy demonstrators believe they are closer than many had ever imagined to forcing change.  ABC's Jim Hickey goes back to the start of the crisis and tells us how we got to this point.  
ABC News Global Exclusive With President Mubarak.
The demonstrations in Cairo have succeeded in undermining a powerful regime.  President Mubarak has said he will not stand for reelection, would not appoint his son as his successor, and he named a vice president.  However, those concessions came too late for the protesters.  They demand his immediate ouster.  ABC's Christiane Amanpour made her way through the dangerous streets, into the presidential palace, to question the man at the center of the storm.
Vice President Omar Suileman Interview.
In addition to speaking with President Mubarak, ABC's Christiane Amanpour had a chance to sit down with Vice President Suileman, a man considered to be a possible successor.  
The White House Reaction.
The Egyptian regime has also come under international pressure to step down in favor of a democracy. For the United States, the realities of democratic politics could recast a long standing relationship.  ABC's Ann Compton explains.
Who Will Take Over?  
The demonstrators in Cairo have made it clear that they want President Mubarak out, but what then? How does Egypt transition to the democracy being clamored for?  ABC's Martha Raddatz has more.
"Egypt on the Brink".
Tarek Osman is the author of "Egypt on the Brink", a look at the country from the revolution of 1952 until the present. He lives in Cairo, but miles from where most of the demonstrations had been taking place. We reached him after he had made his way back to his apartment, after having spent more than a week talking with the protesters in Tahrir Square.  He had a chance to speak with ABC's Cheri Preston.  
Impact on Israel.
Nowhere are they watching the events unfold more closely, than in Israel. Israel shares a border with Egypt and has enjoyed relative peace with that country, since the historic Sadat-Begin Camp David Accords were signed in 1978. But, many Israelis says they are concerned with what a new government could mean for their relations.  ABC's Jordana Miller tells us why.  
Journalists Under Fire.
For awhile in Cairo, it became very dangerous for the press.  Regime loyalists believed the robust worldwide coverage was only helping to bring down the government.  By Friday that had stopped, but not before at least 100 reporters were attacked, intimidated, or threatened.  ABC's David Muir has more from Cairo.
Social Media Impact.
It is hard to foresee how these days of civil unrest will end, but we know how they began.  Their origins are on the internet.  ABC's Steven Portnoy explains.
Host: Aaron Katersky
Producer: Jason Wesalo


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