This Week (7.31.11) - No Budget Deal Reached Yet As Default Deadline Nears

In this episode, Christiane Amanpour interviews the President's top political advisor David Plouffe about the view from the white house on the debt stalemate. Then Amanpour chats with republican senator Lindsey Graham on the search for consensus within his own party on the deficiet debate. Amanpour also hosts a roundtable with George Will, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, And ABC Chief Political Correspondent George Stephanopoulos to discuss the final hours of the debt ceiling debate. Finally, Amanpour talks with ABC's David Muir who reports on the country's epic famine.
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Sunday, July 31, 2011 at 12:36PM |
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This Week | tagged
David Muir,
David Plouffe,
Debt ceiling,
Lindsey Grahm,

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