This Week (4.8.12) Podcast

In this week’s episode, ABC’s Jake Tapper interviews world-renowned Pastor Rick Warren about faith, religion, and politics. In Warren’s invocation at President Obama’s inauguration in 2009, the pastor called for civility in America, and today he says Americans still struggle to walk hand-in-hand without seeing eye-to-eye. At the political roundtable, commentator George Will, editor of Thomson Reuters digital Chrystia Freeland, The Washington Bureau Chief for Yahoo News David Chalian, Wall Street Journal Columnist Peggy Noonan, and author and Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson discuss the President’s harsh words for Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget plan and his criticism of the Supreme Court.
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Sunday, April 8, 2012 at 11:19AM |
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Podcast | tagged
Hillary Clinton,
Mitt Romney,
Paul Ryan,
President Obama

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