World News Podcast - November 9, 2011

In tonight's episode...ABC's Dan Harris updates us on the latest news surrounding the Penn State scandal after the head coach announces his resignation once the football season is over. Then, should the head coach be allowed to finish out the last four games of the season after his 45 year career there? World News host Diane Sawyer puts the question to ESPN's Jeremy Schaap to find out what he thinks. Italy's financial problems have the whole world holding their breath, and Sharyn Alfonsi breaks down what this could mean for Americans. You may have seen or heard it, but probably not. The emergency warning system was supposed to go off today on all TVs and radios, but as ABC's Ron Claiborne found, it didn't go as planned. Finally, ABC's Claire Shipman gives us a taste of what Baby Boomers are up to...a second chance of love!

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