World News Podcast - February 28, 2012

In tonight's episode, the World News Team is keeping a close eye on Arizona and Michigan as the people of those states vote for Romney or Santorum. ABC's David Muir is with the Romney camp where Romney is hoping for a win in his home state. ABC's Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos discuss the details coming out of the election night and what a win might mean for both candidates. Then, ABC's Reena Ninan reports from OH where new details are emerging about the school shooting that left 3 highschoolers dead. The requirement for backup cameras in cars has been delayed a year by the government just when it was set to go into effect. ABC's Jim Avila takes a look at how many toddlers are injured and killed each year by cars backing up. Finally, ABC's John Berman takes a look at the different American Dialects around the do you say dust bunny?

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