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Entries in Michele Bachmann (2)


World News Podcast - July 11th, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC News looks at undercover videos shot at Michele Bachmann's husband's clinic, where he reportedly offers therapy to convert homosexuals to heterosexuals.Then, a look a the looming debt deadline for the US government and what a default means for everyday citizens. We bring you the latest on the mob attack on the US embassy in Syria. More stories include another report from the "Made in America" team, Outpouring from viewers after the Jaycee Dugard interview and the US Women's Soccer Squad.

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World News Podcast - June 27th, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC's Ryan Owens reports from Los Alamos, New Mexico, where a wildfire is jeopardizing the condition of the one United States' preeminent nuclear facilities. ABC's Jim Sciutto finds out what Americans should do in the event a nuclear power plant near them is leaking chemicals. Rod Blagojevich has been found guilty on 17 charges of corruption by a jury in Chicago. And ABC's David Wright reports on a the Herculean effort to save a lost little penguin, 4,000 miles from home.

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