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Entries in Nuclear Power (9)


World News Podcast - June 27th, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC's Ryan Owens reports from Los Alamos, New Mexico, where a wildfire is jeopardizing the condition of the one United States' preeminent nuclear facilities. ABC's Jim Sciutto finds out what Americans should do in the event a nuclear power plant near them is leaking chemicals. Rod Blagojevich has been found guilty on 17 charges of corruption by a jury in Chicago. And ABC's David Wright reports on a the Herculean effort to save a lost little penguin, 4,000 miles from home.

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World News Podcast - April 12th, 2011

In tonight's episode we examine the mother of all fender benders that happened between a jumob jet and a commuter plane on the runway at JFK airport in New York City. It's the third airline mishap in a matter of weeks. What does it mean? Should we worry? Then, to Japan and Libya on updates on the news there. Finally, we take a look at the debate over chocolate milk in schools and a film producer who believes he's found the very nails that were used to nail jesus to the cross.

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World News Podcast - March 28th, 2011

In tonight's podcast, the team looks forward to President Obama's speech on Libya. The latest report in our Target: Libya coverage is on the rebel's swift westward progress in Libya. We check in on the largest job discrimination lawsuit in US history as it makes its way to the Supreme Court and as the outlook remains grim in Japan, we examine the possibility of a 'multiple meltdown'.

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World News Podcast - March 18th, 2011

In tonight's episode, Target: Libya focuses on President Obama who threw down the gauntlet to Gadhafi in Libya, telling him to stand down or the US and it's allies will move in. A first time look at those workers trapped inside the nuclear reactors when the earthquake and tsunmai hit. Prince William shares his advice on getting through these tough times and a look at an everyday hero who is helping to turn around a failing Cincinnati school.

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World News Podcast - March 17th, 2011

In tonight's podcast, we contunue our coverage of the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan. Last ditch efforts are underway to contain the radiation at Japan's failing nuclear power plants, while worries about the effect of radiation both in Japan and the United States has both experts and President Obama talking. We take a look at the potential health problems, how the radiation affected those at Chernobyl, and learn more about the bravery of the men facing certain death trying to save their countrymen from nuclear meltdown, and of the courage of the civilians still reeling fro the natural disasters.

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