The latest news from around the world, delivered each weeknight, brought to you by the ABC News team.

Entries in Petraeus (2)


World News Podcast - November 16th, 2012

In tonight's episode, violence in the Middle East escalates as Hamas rockets hit Jerusalem.  Is the region on the brink of war?  Back in the US, how did another oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico catch on fire?  Former CIA Director David Petraeus testifies before two Congressional committees behind closed doors.  What did he have to say about his affair and the attack in Benghazi?  Finally, a famous journalist is trying to save Thanksgiving.  He's got some tips on how to make dinner a peaceful one.

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World News Podcast - June 6th, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC's Diane Sawyer travels to Afghanistan where she brings us an exclusive report on the scene there on the ground. She also sits down with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General David Petraeus to get their stance on the US effort in Afghanistan. We also have an exclusive interview with Megan Broussard, one of the women who Rep. Anthony Weiner engaged in online conversations with.

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