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World News Podcast - April 24th, 2013

New information surfaces about the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings. What weapons were used by the brothers during the night of the shootout? Is your password strong enough?  We tell you how to protect yourself from hackers and how to make passwords that would take years to crack.  And on the eve of the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential library, ABC’s Diane Sawyer sits down with the former President and his wife.  President Bush says that he enjoys staying out of the spotlight.   This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - December 1, 2011

In tonight's episode, Newt Gingrich, the Republican front runner, makes a bold prediction. Plus, 100 mile per hour winds wreak havoc on the West. Also,we confront the doctors prescribing powerful mind altering drugs to children in foster care. Finally, the Coca Cola Classic can gets a make over...and people are saying it's affecting the way it tastes.

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World News Podcast - July 6th, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC News breaks down the stunning verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. Defense lawyer Jose Baez spoke exclusively with ABC's Barbara Walters. Some of the jurors spoke exclusively to ABC News as well.  Is Al Qaeda plotting to send suicide attackers onto planes with bombs surgically placed inside their stomachs? ABC's Brian Ross finds out. The President took part in his first "Tweet-Up," where he fielded questions of 140 characters or less in front of a live audience. And Atlanta area teachers are accused of cheating--changing the grades of their students on standardized tests.

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World News Podcast - June 6th, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC's Diane Sawyer travels to Afghanistan where she brings us an exclusive report on the scene there on the ground. She also sits down with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General David Petraeus to get their stance on the US effort in Afghanistan. We also have an exclusive interview with Megan Broussard, one of the women who Rep. Anthony Weiner engaged in online conversations with.

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World News Podcast - June 1st, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC's Linsey Davis covers the damage in Springfield, Massachusetts, where unexpected tornadoes tore up much of the area. The World Health Organization released an advisory about the links between cell phone usage and cancer. But should you worry? ABC's Jim Sciutto the answer.  And Congressman Anthony Weiner is in hot water over a scandalous twitter photo sent from his account. But is the photo of him? He sat down with ABC's Jonathan Karl.

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