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Entries in Radiation (3)


World News Podcast - April 5th, 2011

In tonight's episode: A new study reveals a large percentage of baby boomers aren't financially ready to retire. We take a look at a few boomers who are having to readjust their lifestyles. Radioactivity leaking into the water off the shore of Japan could mean radioactive tuna, we take a look at the repercussions and legitimacy of this worry. We also bring you a report on the frist all female Air Force mission and a delightful story of a girl who trained her cow to jump like a horse.

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World News Podcast - March 22, 2011

In tonight's podcast, Target: Libya includes and exclusive interview with Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. Diane asks her about the challenges with dealing with a rogue leader like Moammar Ghadafi and the US's ultimate goal in Libya. There are also reports on the downed fighter plane that crashed earlier today and the miraculous survival and rescue that followed. In the US, we focus on the potential for contaminated cargo to reach the US from Japan and the rising number of complaints against bill collectors. In lighter news, we take a look at the fairytale carriage that will take William and Kate away after their wedding.

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World News Podcast - March 17th, 2011

In tonight's podcast, we contunue our coverage of the aftermath of the earthquake in Japan. Last ditch efforts are underway to contain the radiation at Japan's failing nuclear power plants, while worries about the effect of radiation both in Japan and the United States has both experts and President Obama talking. We take a look at the potential health problems, how the radiation affected those at Chernobyl, and learn more about the bravery of the men facing certain death trying to save their countrymen from nuclear meltdown, and of the courage of the civilians still reeling fro the natural disasters.

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