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Entries in VA (2)


World News Podcast - May 9th, 2014

Outraged families are lashing out at the agency that’s supposed to care for America’s veterans. The new wave of storms is ready to strike across the central part of the country. Amnesty International has released what it calls damning evidence the Nigerian Army knew in advance and did nothing to protect the girls’ school from attack. Apple is reportedly buying Beats for over $3 Billion. The NBA has named a new interim chief executive for the Los Angeles Clippers, as a new tape of banned owner Donald Sterling has been released, And, what a group of young children say what makes their moms a star. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 8th, 2014

The next round of severe weather is taking aim at the nation’s midsection. Efforts to rescue nearly 300 kidnapped girls in Nigeria are intensifying. The House Veterans Affairs Committee will subpoena emails and memos from top VA officials as they investigate reports of as many as 40 deaths at the VA hospital in Phoenix. We are hearing the first public reaction of banned Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling to the controversy surrounding his alleged recorded racist comments. And, ABC’s Chief Business and Economics Correspondent Rebecca Jarvis with how some stores are making their prices higher when you shop online. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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