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Entries in Veterans Affairs (2)


World News Podcast - June 9th, 2014

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks in an exclusive interview with ABC World News Anchor Diane Sawyer on where she’s been, and where she’s heading next. Stunning numbers about the unfolding scandal at Veterans Affairs on the American heroes still waiting to see a doctor. New details about the deadly shooting spree in a Las Vegas shopping center. ABC News Investigates the terror ties to the country that helped broker the deal to free five Taliban leaders. And, ABC’s Ryan Smith with the apology from the owner of California Chrome. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 9th, 2014

Outraged families are lashing out at the agency that’s supposed to care for America’s veterans. The new wave of storms is ready to strike across the central part of the country. Amnesty International has released what it calls damning evidence the Nigerian Army knew in advance and did nothing to protect the girls’ school from attack. Apple is reportedly buying Beats for over $3 Billion. The NBA has named a new interim chief executive for the Los Angeles Clippers, as a new tape of banned owner Donald Sterling has been released, And, what a group of young children say what makes their moms a star. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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