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Entries in Weather (80)


World News Podcast - December 8th, 2013

A winter blast of ice, snow and rain causing delays at airports and making travel dangerous. Dozens of world leaders head to South Africa to attend a memorial for Nelson Mandela. Five years since Bernie Madoff’s ponzi scheme was exposed and now he’s speaking out and placing blame on his victims. Susan Boyle reveals her new health diagnosis.This and more on the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - November 27th, 2013

Holiday travelers face complications at the airport and on the roads as a storm moves through the nation. Obamacare facing more delays as it slowly approaches the deadline to have the health care website fixed. ABC’s Chief Economic and Business correspondent Rebecca Jarvis gives us tips on how to keep your wallet and identity safe during the holiday shopping season. And ABC’s Linzie Janis has some kitchen safety tips and ways to make sure your thanksgiving dinner doesn’t go up in smoke. This and more on the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - November 26th, 2013

A tricky storm is causing a weather mess for the millions of families traveling home for Thanksgiving. After the troubled launch of its website, Obamacare is back on the Supreme Court docket as employers try to fight the law’s requirement that health insurance cover contraception. And, Families visiting a zoo in Australia witness a veteran trainer get attacked by a tiger he raised from birth. This and more on the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - November 22nd, 2013

A powerful storm could leave its mark on major airports as millions of Americans head home for the holiday. 50 years after his assassination, Americans paid tribute to President John F. Kennedy. New developments in diplomatic talks over Iran’s nuclear program as Secretary of State John Kerry heads to Geneva. A bus driver saves the lives of 11 young children after a school bus hijacking in Arkansas. And ABC’s Deborah Roberts on the growing crime of car thefts, and what can make your vehicle a target. This and more on the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - October 6th, 2013

Successful terror raids have been conducted in Somalia and Libya resulting in the capture of a wanted Al-Qaeda operative. Wild weather across the country, from tornadoes to blizzards, some Americans are in for a long clean up. A nine-year old boy sneaks onto a Las Vegas bound flight without showing a ticket. New Developments in the NYC Biker Chase, what a good Samaritan said he saw the day of the beating. This and more on the World News podcast.

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