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Entries in Weather (80)


World News Podcast - August 15th, 2011

In tonight's episode, a look at the extreme weather breaking records across the nation this summer and what scientists think might be causing it. Then, a report from the aftermath of this weekend's tragic stage collapse at the Indiana State Fair. A report from the Midwest where Obama kicks of a quick bus tour and new contender Rick Perry makes some quick jabs on the current commander-in-chief. In science news, suntanning as an addiction is explored and a heartwarming report about two twins who did the right thing.

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World News Podcast - March 10th, 2011

In tonight's episode, an new study finds nearly 5% of Americans are cancer survivors, congressional hearings on terrorism faced controversy over its focus on Islamic Americans, torrential rain and flooding are putting much of the Northeast under water, a top White House adviser gaffes on the biggest threats to the US, Nick Schifrin reports from the front lines in Libya, and a set of 100 year old twins give their insight into living a long life.

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World News Podcast - March 9th, 2011

In tonight's episode, an NPR scandal forces its CEO to step down and could jeopardize its funding in the future, we investigate the man who claims to be an investigative journalist and his earlier works, thunderstorms and tornadoes rip through the Southeast, Libyan rebels and loyalists continue to battle for territory, a tragic fire kills 7 children in Pennyslvania, smart phone addiction hits women harder than men, and vacationers beware - hotel photos don't always show the whole picture.

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World News Podcast - February 28, 2011

In tonight's episode, ABC's Christiane Amanpour sits down with Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi in a U.S. media exclusive interview. Brian Ross examines Bernie Madoff's first recorded interview from prison, and Charlie Sheen discusses his tumultuous life with ABC's Andrea Canning.

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World News Podcast - January 13th, 2011 

In tonights episode, Diane remembers the 9-year-old little girl killed in the Arizona shooting. She also talks about Congress women Gifford's miraculous recovery progress. 

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