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Entries in Weather (80)


World News Podcast - December 20th, 2012

The holiday travel season is in full swing but winter weather is giving lots of travelers across the country big headaches.  Meanwhile, lawmakers are saying there probably won't be a deal on the fiscal cliff by Christmas.  After the tragedy in Newtown, CT more police officers are speaking out for gun control.  Could banning high volume ammo clips be a solution?  And it's probably not Doomsday but could the Mayan calendar be predicting better days to come?  This and more in the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - December 18th, 2012

In the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, CT, there seems to be a monumental shift in the debate over gun control in America.  The NRA and the White House are promising action, but gun sales have actually climbed since the shooting.  So how serious is the debate?  Meanwhile, families across the country are on the move for the holidays but winter weather might get in the way for many.  This and more in the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast - October 8th, 2012

In tonight's episode, the presidential debate proved to have been a game changer for Mitt Romney as he leads in the polls. Former Penn State Football Coach Jerry Sandusky spoke out on the eve of his sentencing. And, ABC's Weather Editor Sam Champion tells us what to expect for the winter ahead.

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World News Podcast - July 27th 2012

In tonight's episode, an update on the severe storms that ravaged parts of the country.  In Colorado, new details on the mental state of the shooter in Aurora, Colorado.  Then London's Olympic Games have finally begun and ABC News has all the details.  Back in New York, Facebook's stock took another nose dive.  This and more in the World News Podcast.

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World News Podcast- July 26th, 2012

In tonight's episode, ABC's meteorologist Ginger Zee brings you the latest on a patch of wicked weather making its way across the country.  Dan Harris brings you the latest on the notebook believed to belong to alleged Colorado theater gunman James Holmes and David Muir reports on Mitt Romney's possible gaffe in London.

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