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Entries in Weather (80)


World News Podcast - May 29th, 2012

In tonight's episode, wild weather across the country not only affected Memorial Day plans, but also broke records.  Is Donald Trump helping or hurting the Romney campaign?  And can aspirins reduce the risk of getting skin cancer?

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World News Podcast- April 27th, 2012

In tonight's episode, Bob Woodruff brings you the latest from the ongoing trial of former vice presidential candidate John Edwards.  Alex Perez looks a plane that was quarantined in Chicago and Jake Tapper discusses the political implications of Osama Bin Laden's death nearly one year after the raid that killed the terrorist leader.

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World News Podcast- April 23rd, 2012

In tonight's episode, Bob Woodruff covers the start of the trial that could put former vice presidential candidate John Edwards behind bars for 30 years.  David Kerley takes a look at the wacky weather sweeping the nation and Matt Gutman brings you the latest update following George Zimmerman's release on bond. 

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World News Podcast - April 13th, 2012

In tonight's episode, Americans from Texas to Michigan are hunkering down this weekend for some extreme weather.  ABC's Ginger Zee says tornados have already been spotted in Oklahoma.  And a political storm is raging about work and women.  Ann Romney spoke at an NRA convention defending women who work at home.  In North Korea, the government is scrambling to save face after a failed rocket launch.  ABC's Bob Woodruff reports from the Hermit Kingdom.  The FAA finally reveals how a plane emergency was mistaken for a hoax.  Safety experts are calling for a brake override in cars.  Finally, Kevin Costner is speaking to gold star families who've lost a loved one in battle.

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World News Podcast - March 1st, 2011

In tonight’s episode, a frightening runway drama at Philadelphia’s international airport where air traffic controllers were in shock when a rogue vehicle apparently plowed through a construction gate and approached the landing area of a flight from Raleigh. Deadly and destructive tornadoes ripped through the Midwest, and now another round of storms is on the way. ABC’s Chief Investigative Correspondent takes an in-depth look at the biggest Medicare fraud case in history. Finally, ABC’s David Wright takes a look at our short attention spans.

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