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Entries in Weather (80)


World News Podcast - August 14th, 2014

State police are taking over control of the streets in Ferguson, Missouri after the police shooting of an unarmed teenager sparked protests. The wife of actor Robin Williams released a statement that revealed Williams had received a Parkinson’s diagnosis and wasn’t ready to reveal it to the world. The cleanup begins for the parts of the country that were hit by the massive storm. The hunt is on for two young Amish girls who were reportedly abducted from their front yard. The Little League world series is underway. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - July 14th, 2014

Severe weather impacting parts of the country. Americans finding relief at the gas pump just in time for those summer road trips. Tensions remain high between Hamas and Israel. After 45 days in treatment, former P.O.W. Bowe Bergdahl has a new job. The terror group who kidnapped 200 Nigerian school girls has released a new tape. The Costa Concordia wreck is raised from the sea. Comedian Tracy Morgan returns home after spending a month in the hospital.This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - July 8th, 2014

A box containing vials of the disease Small Pox was found in a storage closet. Parts of the country are facing some severe weather, including tornados. The crisis on the US border with Mexico continues, as today President Obama asked for billions of dollars to staunch the wave of immigrants coming in. Violence is escalating between Israel and Palestine. Brazil clobbered by Germany 7 to 1 in a stunning World Cup semi-final loss. Harry Potter fans were treated to a new story about the “boy wizard” written by J.K. Rowling.This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - July 7th, 2014

Violent storms threaten 65 million of Americans, just as a monster typhoon heads straight for a US military base in Okinawa, Japan. New terror warnings and increased security for anyone flying into the United States. Tensions escalate between Palestine and Israel. The latest developments in the Oscar Pistorius case in South Africa. And, how to fix your broken smartphone without spending the money for a new phone.This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - June 25th, 2014

A victory in Washington for NFL athletes who suffered serious head injuries. A landmark ruling by the Supreme Court that affects anyone who uses a cell phone. The crisis in Iraq continues as dozens of American advisors are sent on a mission by President Obama. Wild weather in the Midwest as neighborhoods are submerged in flood waters. A teenager’s plot to attack a high school was foiled and now he’s speaking out about why he did it and what inspired his dark plan. North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has angry words for the America and the makers of a new comedy movie that pokes fun at the strange and unpredictable leader. This and more on the World News Podcast.


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