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Entries in Weather (80)


World News Podcast - May 30th, 2014

Veteran Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned today after a controversy where American Veterans did not get the care they needed. Parts of the country seeing some severe weather, including tornados and powerful thunderstorms. A new arrest is made in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings. ABC’s Steve Osunsami has some ways to keep your backyard pool safe for the kids this summer. A massive sinkhole opens up in a parking lot in Florida. The Spelling Bee Championship turns out not one but two champions. This and more on the World News podcast. 


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World News Podcast - May 24th, 2014

Rampage in California, where a drive by shooter killed six and injured others in Isla Vista. The suspected shooter, Elliot Rodger, posted videos before the attack on his loneliness and the “day of retribution.” Memorial Day weekend washout for some parts of the country. The Pope begins his Middle East tour in Jordan, where he gave a speech on Syria and violence. It’s being called Viagra for women, a little pink pill that helps women in the bedroom, but why is the FDA standing in the way? This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 13th, 2014

CDC issuing a warning to Americans after a second case of MERS was discovered in Orlando. Parts of California in a relentless drought and heat warning with temperatures souring to the triple-digits. The US sending surveillance planes to assist in the search for the missing Nigerian school girls. A terrifying scene plays out in a backyard, when an inflatable bounce house goes hurtling high into the air with children inside. Newly released letters, reveal a side of first lady Jacqueline Kennedy that was never before seen. ABC’s Linzie Janis on ways to decrease your household debt.This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - May 7th, 2014

A heat wave is bearing down on parts of the country. Parts of Kansas are seeing record high triple –digit temperatures and wildfires are spreading throughout Oklahoma. ABC’s Robin Roberts discusses Benghazi and the missing Nigerian school girls with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Hollywood actress Valerie Harper makes an appearance at Capitol Hill, asking for more funding for lung cancer research. One of the performers who faced that terrifying circus accident speaks out about the mid-air horror. And, ABC’s Nick Watt has the fascinating story of a singing nun sensation in Italy.This and more on the World News Podcast.


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World News Podcast - April 4th, 2014

New details emerge about what may have triggered the shooting at Fort Hood, and the family of a survivor speaks out on the moment the shooter opened fire. More extreme weather hits the country as millions of Americans face tornadoes and hail. The death of a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer and wounding of another reporter calls attention to violence in Afghanistan. And ABC’s John Donvan on the Phantom of the Opera’s new leading man.This and more on the World News Podcast.


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